Duke of Ormond; the scepter with the dove, borne by the
Duke of Albemarle;...gentlemen pensioners.

of sweet herbs & flowers, strewing the way;
the deans beadle of Westin; the high constable of
Westminster; a fife; drums; the drum major.

supplying the place of Garter; Duchesses, in number eight; a duke.

over against Whitehall, at their Majesties coronation Apr. 1685.
[click images for full size versions]
The History of the Coronation Of the Most High, Most Mighty, and Most Excellent MONARCH, JAMES II. By the Grace of GOD, KING of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, DEFENDER OF THE FAITH, &C. And of His Royal Consort QUEEN MARY: Solemnized in the Collegiate Church of St. PETER in the City of WESTMINSTER, on Thursday the 23 of April, being the Festival of St. George, in the Year of Our Lord 1685.
With an Exact Account of the several Preparations in Order thereunto, Their MAJESTIES most Splendid PROCESSIONS, and Their Royal and Magnificent FEAST in WESTMINSTER-HALL. The Whole WORK Illustrated with SCULPTURES. By his Majesties Especial Command. By FRANCIS SANDFORD Esq; Lancaster Herald of Arms. In the Savoy: Printed by Thomas Newcome, One of His Majesties Printers. 1687.
All the images from the festival book, The History of the Coronation of James II, are online at NYPL.
Originally I found example images at Octavo Books - they have the complete work online together with some background commentary. But the images are smaller; the actual text is only occasionally readable anyway.
Trivia: Samuel Pepys held one of the 4 canopy poles covering the King during the procession. 1445 meat dishes were consumed at the party. James II was removed from the throne by the Glorious Revolution a year after the publication of this book. Sandford died later in a debtor's prison, partly as a result of this book having such a small market.
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