Pieter Van Harinxma 1628-1630

Kunera van Douma 1605-1611

Juliana de Roussel 1616-1645

Joost van Ockings 1576

Juw Van Harinxma 1625-1631

Homme Van Harinxma jr 1625-1631
See previous post: 'Liber Amicorum', regarding a fully digitized 'Friendship Book' in a regional Dutch library.
The images above come from a collection of eleven 16th and 17th century Friendship Albums (Alba Amicorum) originating with the Van Harinxma thoe Slooten family of Friesland. The name of the book's owner and the dates between which contributions were made to the book are below each set of images.
The Dutch National Library have posted a number of example images from each album online. The majority of the entries are the Coats of Arms of the contributor together (often) with 'borrowed' or embellished mythological or historical scenes, many produced by local Frisian artists. [For instance, Caesar approaches the sepulchre of Alexander the Great in one image, whilst in another, the horse drawn carriage is a contemporary scene]
The dodgy translations of the site suggest that the albums vary both in the formal requirements of contributors and the nature of songs, inscriptions and poems added. They are said to provide interesting historical references about the relationships among the Frisian nobility and the student populations connected to the Van Harinxma thoe Slooten children.
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