"The motor in the 'Courier'; Stromberg carburetor - regular on all Models."

"Palmer-Singer Model XXXIIC; Limousine, 28-30 h.p."

"The American Roadster; Two or three passenger;
Four cylinder, 50 - 60 h.p., $ 3,750."

"Men and women watching the horse race
from their Franklin automobiles"

"Baker electric vehicles; Landaulet; I chassis."
[The final sentence reads:
'In its use there is the widest correct range of service' -
I am
so incorporating that into my everyday speech.]

"Maxwell front cover"
These images are from the "Automobiles - Manufactuers Catalogues" section at the NYPL Digital Gallery. All the material is dated 1909.
List by manufacturer.
Direct to thumbnail images.
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