Wednesday, 16 November 2005

In the Manner of Manors

Horeham Hall, Essex
"Another interesting relic preserved in the Great [Horeham] Hall is the side-saddle of Queen Elizabeth; the pommel is of wrought metal and has been gilt, the ornament upon it is in the then fashionable style of the Renaissance; the seat, of velvet, is now in a very ruinous condition; but it is carefully kept beneath a glass case, as a memento of the queen's visits to this place.

When Princess, Elizabeth retired to Horeham as a place of refuge during the reign of her sister Mary; the loneliness of the situation, and its distance from the metropolis, rendered it a seclusion befitting the quietude of one anxious to remain unnoticed in troublous times. A room on the first floor in the square tower .. is shewn as that in which Elizabeth resided. She found the retirement of Horesham so agreeable, that often after she had succeeded to the crown she took a pleasure in revisiting the place."
Hayworth Cumberland

Audley End, Essex

Sherborne Lodge, Dorset

Ford House, Devonshire

The Baronial Halls, and Ancient Picturesque Edifices of England in 2 volumes (1858) by Samuel Carter Hall is digitized and on display at the Posner Library, Carnegie Mellon University website. Samuel Carter Hall: wikipedia. [more]

The Long Gallery, Haddon Hall, Derbyshire

The principal drawings were done by J.D. Harding, G. Cattermole, S. Prout, W. Muller, J. Holland and there are 71 coloured lithographic plates between the volumes. Of the plates that I viewed, all were made by W Walton (Del and lith.) and the lithotinting/printing was the work of M&N Hanart, Lithographers. There are also numerous detailed woodblock images throughout the text.

The images above are all from Volume II. Although the books were published in 1858 it seems obvious that some of the drawings were done much earlier by the look of the clothing. However, the text reads like a real estate guide on steroids, but with a posh accent. In a good way.

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